“You're not Steve Rogers,” snarls newly elected President Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford) to our newly anointed Captain America, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), …
Captain America: Brave New World
'Captain America: Brave New World' has been unveiled for the press, and the first reactions toward the comic book tentpole are coming in lukewarm.
On Friday, Marvel Studios shared the teaser trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” featuring Anthony Mackie as Captain America.
On Friday, Marvel Studios shared the teaser trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” featuring Anthony Mackie as Captain America.
On Friday, Marvel Studios shared the teaser trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” featuring Anthony Mackie as Captain America.
On Friday, Marvel Studios shared the teaser trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” featuring Anthony Mackie as Captain America.
On Friday, Marvel Studios shared the teaser trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” featuring Anthony Mackie as Captain America.
On Friday, Marvel Studios shared the teaser trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” featuring Anthony Mackie as Captain America.