The least Barcelona-centric installment so far is the one that kicks this stretch of episodes into gear.
Cobra Kai
The least Barcelona-centric installment so far is the one that kicks this stretch of episodes into gear.
The least Barcelona-centric installment so far is the one that kicks this stretch of episodes into gear.
The next installment of the hit Karate Kid series hits — chops and dropkicks — its way to your screen.
Netflix dropped the first five episodes of the sixth season of the Karate Kid sequel series this week, and I've watched all five. So far, as with the last …
The second-stringers get their shine ahead of the tournament. Read more in Vulture's episode-four recap of 'Cobra Kai.'
How long can we really go without any heel turns? Read more in Vulture's premiere recap of 'Cobra Kai.'
How long can we really go without any heel turns? Read more in Vulture's premiere recap of 'Cobra Kai.'
How long can we really go without any heel turns? Read more in Vulture's premiere recap of 'Cobra Kai.'
How long can we really go without any heel turns? Read more in Vulture's premiere recap of 'Cobra Kai.'