Walt Disney Animated Studios' "Moana 2" reunites Moana and Maui three years later for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers.
Moana 2
Walt Disney Animated Studios' Moana 2 reunites Moana and Maui three years later for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers.
A sequel to the hit 2016 animated film was announced by Bob Iger ahead of Disney's earnings report — with a surprise release this November.
Moana 2, Disney Animation's all-new feature-length sequel to 2016's Oscar-nominated film, will be released in theaters in 2024.
Moana 2, Disney Animation's all-new feature-length sequel to 2016's Oscar-nominated film, will be released in theaters in 2024.
Moana 2, Disney Animation's all-new feature-length sequel to 2016's Oscar-nominated film, will be released in theaters in 2024.
Moana 2, Disney Animation's all-new feature-length sequel to 2016's Oscar-nominated film, will be released in theaters in 2024.